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A Forgotten War With Devastating Consequences

The Yemen Humanitarian Crisis: Everything You Need to Know

A Forgotten War With Devastating Consequences

Yemen's civil war, ongoing since 2014, has created one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. The United Nations estimates that 80% of Yemen's population, or 24 million people, require humanitarian assistance.

Causes of the Crisis

  • Political instability and conflict between Houthi rebels and the internationally recognized government
  • Regional interference from Saudi Arabia and Iran
  • Economic collapse and food insecurity

Dire Humanitarian Situation

The crisis has resulted in:

  • Extreme food insecurity: 16 million people are facing starvation
  • Widespread disease: Cholera outbreaks and other diseases are rampant
  • Mass displacement: Millions have been forced to flee their homes

Impact on Children

Children are particularly vulnerable:

  • 2.3 million children are acutely malnourished
  • Tens of thousands have been killed or injured
  • Many are forced into child labor or recruitment as soldiers

International Response

Despite the severity of the crisis, the international response has been inadequate.

  • The UN's appeal for $3.85 billion in aid is severely underfunded
  • Saudi Arabia and its allies have been accused of war crimes, including airstrikes on civilian targets
  • Arms sales to Saudi Arabia by Western countries have been criticized


The Yemen humanitarian crisis is a tragedy of immense proportions. With millions facing starvation, disease, and displacement, the world must act urgently to prevent further loss of life and suffering. Increased international aid, an end to the conflict, and accountability for war crimes are essential to address this forgotten crisis and bring hope to the people of Yemen.

UNICEF: Yemen Crisis

Human Rights Watch: Saudi-Led Coalition Airstrikes Killed Scores of Civilians in Yemen in 2022

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